McLane delivery truck scraped the back of our private automobile. Driver and stocker denied it...
Left when the stocker threatened to call the cops. For simply asking for there full name. Had we wanted to file an accident report? The cops would have force...
Brownsville City Hall, able to conduct business while recording in spite of signs...
Besides the city clerks inability to answer a simple question about registration. No one ever questioned us about recording with our cellphones...
Cameron County Court House, we were told we couldn't record...
In a public building exercising our freedom of the press protected by the 1st amendment...
Cop threatens to criminal trespass me from the Cameron County Vehicle Registration building...
All cause I asked for clarification on something he had said. Mind you, we were already leaving when he decided he had to have the last word. Typical cop men...
Cameron County Court House, we were told we couldn't record...
In a public building exercising our freedom of the press protected by the 1st amendment...
Cops wake us up for sleeping in an empty parking lot...
Empty theater parking lot where no towing enforcement or signage is present.